Month: October 2014


São uma família e tratam-se como irmãos. O seu novo disco, Izabel, conta uma história que pretende despertar consciências e “acordar as pessoas”. Acham que nunca vão ganhar dinheiro com a banda, mas a realização pessoal faz com que continuem a criar. Acabadinho de sair, o videoclip do tema “Metastasis” é mais um pedaço da história de Izabel.

Fábio Ventura e Gonçalo Domingues contam como é ser Iodine.

                                                                                 Fotografia de João Matos

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Masters of Sex

Masters of Sex is a 2013 american TV show I’m presently hooked on.

The plot is based on the biography Masters of Sex: The Life and Times of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, the Couple Who Taught America How to Love by Thomas Maier, and revolves around Dr. William Masters, a well-known obstetrician and Virginia Johnson, his assistent.

The story goes on in the 50’s and 60’s, a time where the physiological effects of sex were unknown, since this was a pretty polemic subject. Dr. Masters and Virginia (a.k.a Gini) were the pioneers in the study of sex.

Aggregating the male and female point of view, they observe their subjects having sex (this includes couples and singles), while monitoring their body responses. It’s rather engaging to see how they face rejection from their medical peers, who are disgusted by the nature of their study, yet curious about it. On top of it, Lizzy Masters, the actress playing Gini, is a attention-grabbing specimen!

Scroll down for the trailer and promo photos.

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